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Message from Managing Director
OSAKA GAS (THAILAND) CO., LTD., or “OGT”, was established in October 2013 to offer energy solution services to industrial customers in Thailand. We have drawn on our natural-gas engineering expertise, inherited from our parent company, Osaka Gas, which is Japan’s second biggest company in the natural gas distribution industry. We, OGT, contribute to energy solutions through the CNG, LNG and CBG supplies, together with the installation of high-efficiency facilities, with an aim to make the profit from those efficient and stable supplies of clean energy with reasonable cost. We promise to contribute our best efforts, continuously improve the company performance, to meet our customers’ needs.

Yuichi Ishisaka
Managing Director
Welcome to Osaka Gas (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
More than 110 years after its establishment, Osaka Gas launched a new brand called "Daigas Group" in March 2018. As an energy marketer of a new era, the Daigas Group combines a variety of services, including gas and electricity, to deliver optimal solutions to customers. We are expanding our business fields through upstream development projects, LNG base development, IPP projects, and fuel retailing In South East Asia.
OSAKA GAS (THAILAND) uses CNG, LNG, and CBG as its main business tools to provide stable, inexpensive, and environmentally friendly energy in Thailand.
Daigas Group Energy Business Value Chain
Welcome to Osaka Gas (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Structure of Daigas Group in Southeast Asia

Global Presence of Daigas Group

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